Softswiss Founder Condemns War in Ukraine, Highlights Belarusian Opposition

The conflict in Ukraine has ignited widespread criticism within the gaming sector. Softswiss, a firm situated in Belarus, is among the most vocal dissenters, as per its founder, Ivan Montik.

Montik believes that the wave of penalties following the Russian incursion into Ukraine has prompted numerous companies to sever ties with their Russian and Belarusian collaborators. This includes Softswiss, a Belarusian provider.

Montik has been a long-standing critic of the Belarusian administration, to such an extent that he feels unsafe returning to the nation.

However, he is eager to ensure a clear distinction between the country’s administration and its populace.

“We ought to differentiate between the government and its leadership, who are making inhumane choices, and the people who reside or have resided in these nations and denounce these choices,” he stated, noting that likely no global IT enterprise does not employ individuals in Belarus, Russia, or Ukraine.

Montik added that, particularly in the iGaming industry, backing for Ukraine and opposition to the conflict are widespread.

Indeed, he feels that the Russians and Belarusians working in the field are the most vocal critics of Russia’s actions and are strong advocates for the attacked nation.

He stated that he doesn’t know anyone in the field who has voiced dissent.

“War Against Humanity”
Montik labeled the conflict as a “war against humanity.”

He clarified that any attempt to justify the conflict is illogical, but sadly, years of widespread propaganda and indoctrination have had an impact on the Russian people. They still believe it is a military operation aimed at bringing peace to the area and rescuing Russians from a fabricated genocide.

“Sadly, Belarus has become a participant in this war and is politically aligned with the aggressor.”

He highlighted that this situation traces back to 2020, when the nation held its last election. Accusations of widespread electoral fraud and the widely perceived manipulated results (which several nations refused to acknowledge) sparked massive political demonstrations.

Montik recalled that the entire nation rose up to protest electoral fraud and dictatorship, but the peaceful demonstrations were brutally suppressed. Tens of thousands were imprisoned, many of whom remain unaccounted for.

“Many of them fled the country, while those who stayed in Belarus live in fear.”

Global news outlets extensively covered the demonstrations in Belarus, but unfortunately, minimal action was taken to aid the advancement of democracy in the nation.

Montik has been a vocal critic of the Belarusian government, backing the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) observation missions during the 2004 and 2008 legislative elections and the 2006 presidential election in the country.

He has actively participated in ventures promoting press freedom and journalists’ rights. In 2009, Montik was among 48 editors and journalists who signed the European Charter on Freedom of the Press, which outlined ten principles for the media to uphold democratic values.

This document later became the foundation of the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom in 2015.

However, these endeavors did not go unnoticed by the authorities. “Sadly, all those who oppose the repressive regime are viewed as adversaries,” he stated.

He said Belarus is now effectively under the military control of Russia. “In this situation, considering the difficulties experienced over the past two years, those who remain in Belarus are unable to halt the conflict.

“The officers perhaps could, but they have betrayed their nation again, violating the constitution.”

Montik relocated to Germany in 2016, and although he often visits Belarus, he has been unable to return since August 2020.

While Softswiss’s roots lie in its homeland, it’s now a worldwide enterprise with branches in Malta, Georgia, and Poland.

“My business partner and I were both born there, and we take pride in being Belarusian,” he stated. “It’s a nation that has endured numerous historical hardships, yet it has managed to preserve its national identity and self-awareness.

“It grieves me to see our Belarusian office workers depart the country, but under the present circumstances, it’s the only sensible decision.” Following the events of 2020, many staff members relocated to the new office in Poznan, while others moved to Georgia and Malta.

“Our employees are fortunate to have a choice, and the conflict in Ukraine has made many of them realize that moving is the only way to ensure their families’ safety at this time,” Montik remarked. “Our company is providing them with comprehensive assistance, from arranging chartered flights to providing lodging and helping them locate schools or kindergartens for their children.

“Our employees have built their communities in new locations and are assisting newcomers in adapting quickly. Recently, we established an office in Estonia, and several members of our team have also relocated there, as well as Cyprus, Portugal, and several other nations.”

He mentioned that this international presence signifies the company’s “exceptional security.”

We keep employing individuals in various places to guarantee that work continues despite the present dissatisfaction we all experience.

“The company’s future is a future of over a thousand individuals, and we cannot take chances.”

Assistance for Ukraine
Softswiss is making every effort to aid Ukraine. “We are organizing humanitarian initiatives to assist those escaping the nation, getting them to safety, settling families arriving in Poland and Germany, and assisting children,” Monteck stated. “We are also supporting those who remain in Ukraine and battle for their homeland by supplying military ordnance.

“More significantly, we are utilizing our technological capabilities and IT knowledge to create media resources that disseminate credible information about current events so that those who only listen to propaganda also have the chance to hear the truth.”

He emphasized that this is not a solitary endeavor. It is being carried out in collaboration with other industry businesses from Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, as a unified strategy.

“We will do everything in our power to assist Ukraine in winning this battle for freedom and peace. They are fighting for all of Europe, and perhaps the entire world.”

Ultimately, Monteck favors penalties against the Russian and Belarusian governments. But “not against those who are actually opposed to the regime.”

He believes that 2020 was a missed chance;

Should Belarusian advocates for democratic reform have been given more assistance prior to 2022, they may not have welcomed Russian military forces and weaponry.

“It’s a discouraging lesson, but as we’ve witnessed, no one truly learns from the past,” he stated. “Global organizations appear to be ineffective in this circumstance, and only we, the populace, should take charge and work together.”

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This talented writer and mathematician holds a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and a Masters in Probability Theory. With a deep understanding of the intricacies of casino games, they have published numerous articles on game theory, probability, and combinatorics in relation to gambling. Their expertise in discrete mathematics and stochastic processes has made them a sought-after consultant for licensed casinos worldwide. Their articles, reviews, and news pieces provide valuable insights into the world of casino gaming.

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